Elementi Di Ecologia Smith Pdf
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Editor: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 940100692X
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It is universally recognised that Venice and its lagoon are of such value that they constitute an international public good that must be preserved for humanity as a whole. But such an ambitious task requires a diversified, sustainable set of economic activities, mostly focused on the production of services and non-material goods. This complex issue is analyzed using different approaches, with a discussion of the case of Venice as an example of some of the most relevant problems concerning the relation between the environment and development in the contemporary world: the trade-off between preserving an ecosystem and considering it as an economic resource; the evolution of different urban growth scenarios and the preservation of a physical habitat; the role of immaterial production in urban economic development; the nature of tourism as a sustainable activity, considered from both from the environmental and cultural angles; the institutional aspect of governing a process of sustainable urban development. Readership: A unique resource for environmental and urban managers, policy analysts, students of sustainable development, and anyone else interested in the social and economic implications of preserving one of the most loved and celebrated cities in the world.
Resources Of The City
Editor: Routledge
ISBN: 1351903799
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The field of urban environmental history is a relatively new one, yet it is rapidly moving to the forefront of scholarly research and is the focus of much interdisciplinary work. Given the environmental problems facing the modern world it is perhaps unsurprising that historians, geographers, political, natural and social scientists should increasingly look at the environmental problems faced by previous generations, and how they were regarded and responded to. This volume reflects this growing concern, and reflects many of the key concerns and issues that are essential to our understanding of the problems faced by cities in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Addressing a variety of environmental issues, such as clean water supply, the provision/retention of green space, and noise pollution, that faced European and North American cities the essays in this volume highlight the common responses as well as the differences that characterised the reactions to these trans-national concerns.
Editor: Springer
ISBN: 3319552333
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This book explores and outlines the reference theoretical basis of ecological networks within the international debate, focusing on how protected areas should no longer be considered as the sum of different components but rather as a network. The various European, transnational and national models of ecological networks/connections are analyzed on the basis of a detailed, updated study of relevant documents. The complex picture that emerges shows a wide range of reticular-ecological models within European plans and programs, but also many non-integrated experiences. The book subsequently examines the regulation of ecological networks/connections within planning instruments, explaining the critical points and referring to different ecological network models and specific local realities. Lastly, the book addresses two Italian case studies regarding the different normative and planning frameworks, both at a national and regional level, and demonstrating not only how ecological networks/connections can be structured within plans, but also how these networks/connections represent the core element of territory development and preservation. As such, it provides an essential tool for containing habitat fragmentation, offering a new perspective that integrates theoretical approaches and methods with planning models and the lessons learned from local applications.
Technologies For Sustainable Urban Design And Bioregionalist Regeneration
Editor: Routledge
ISBN: 1317330773
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This book explores the role of technology in ecological urban design and regeneration. Part I provides theoretical and methodological insights into technological approaches that offer optimum respect to existing cultural and natural environments, while offering minimum impact and carbon footprint. Parts II and III provide contextualised examples that demonstrate the use, or proposal of, sustainable technologies and solutions for regenerating parts of the urban and peri-urban. The case studies offer insights from the Mediterranean and the Middle East in a diverse range of spaces, from central urban squares, oblique cities, urban waterfronts, decaying suburbs, to peri-urban areas such as touristic waterfronts, former industrial areas, hyper-commercial areas, humid zones and parks.
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Italian Books And Periodicals
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Editor: Skira
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These twelve essays by leading architectural critics, sociologists, and designers are devoted to the unusual story of the transformation of residential living space in a country rich with architectural meaning. Home design and construction in Italy shifted after World War II from a base of craftsman builders to medium-size industrial production-a fundamental social change that was directed both by an active base of architectural theory and the culture of domestic life. Italy's design technologies extended the theory and practice of domestic architecture from its artisan characteristics to technologic visions-without breaking the social bond that architecture provides in Italy. Italy, unlike other countries, successfully redefined its 'culture of living.' The largest part of the anthology addresses issues of design, production, and building, including Beppe Finezzi's 'Living Between Art and Architecture' and Frida Doveil's 'New Materials and New User Values For the Home'. Other essays include 'The Landscape of Daily Life' (Francesca Picchi), 'A Homeless Country (Andrea Branzi), 'Italian Design' (Paola Antonelli). Provocative pieces like 'Living in Italy, A Question of Taste' by Franco La Cecla center on the perception of rituals of living in Italy as they are affected by the accelerating design tastes of the last fifty years.
European Environmental Yearbook
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Landscapes And Societies
Editor: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9789048194131
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This book contains case histories intended to show how societies and landscapes interact. The range of interest stretches from the small groups of the earliest Neolithic, through Bronze and Iron Age civilizations, to modern nation states. The coexistence is, of its very nature reciprocal, resulting in changes in both society and landscape. In some instances the adaptations may be judged successful in terms of human needs, but failure is common and even the successful cases are ephemeral when judged in the light of history. Comparisons and contrasts between the various cases can be made at various scales from global through inter-regional, to regional and smaller scales. At the global scale, all societies deal with major problems of climate change, sea-level rise, and with ubiquitous problems such as soil erosion and landscape degradation. Inter-regional differences bring out significant detail with one region suffering from drought when another suffers from widespread flooding. For example, desertification in North Africa and the Near East contrasts with the temperate countries of southern Europe where the landscape-effects of deforestation are more obvious. And China and Japan offer an interesting comparison from the standpoint of geological hazards to society - large, unpredictable and massively erosive rivers in the former case, volcanoes and accompanying earthquakes in the latter. Within the North African region localized climatic changes led to abandonment of some desertified areas with successful adjustments in others, with the ultimate evolution into the formative civilization of Egypt, the 'Gift of the Nile'. At a smaller scale it is instructive to compare the city-states of the Medieval and early Renaissance times that developed in the watershed of a single river, the Arno in Tuscany, and how Pisa, Siena and Florence developed and reached their golden periods at different times depending on their location with regard to proximity to the sea, to the main trunk of the river, or in the adjacent hills. Also noteworthy is the role of technology in opening up opportunities for a society. Consider the Netherlands and how its history has been formed by the technical problem of a populous society dealing with too much water, as an inexorably rising sea threatens their landscape; or the case of communities in Colorado trying to deal with too little water for farmers and domestic users, by bringing their supply over a mountain chain. These and others cases included in the book, provide evidence of the successes, near misses and outright failures that mark our ongoing relationship with landscape throughout the history of Homo sapiens. The hope is that compilations such as this will lead to a better understanding of the issue and provide us with knowledge valuable in planning a sustainable modus vivendi between humanity and landscape for as long as possible. Audience: The book will interest geomorphologists, geologists, geographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, ecologists, environmentalists, historians and others in the academic world. Practically, planners and managers interested in landscape/environmental conditions will find interest in these pages, and more generally the increasingly large body of opinion in the general public, with concerns about Planet Earth, will find much to inform their opinions. Extra material: The color plate section is available at http://extras.springer.com
The late Eugene Odum was a pioneer in systems ecology and is credited with bringing ecosystems into the mainstream public consciousness as well as into. Ecologia; Summary . Smith and Smith – Elementi di Ecologia – Pearson Editore. Ricklefs Odum E. P., Barrett , Fondamenti di Ecologia, Piccin, Padova. References Cain, Bowman e Hacker – Ecologia – Ed. Piccin Smith e Smith – Elementi di Ecologia – Pearson Odum e Barrett – Fondamenti di Ecologia.
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Dinamica ed evoluzione degli ecosistemi. Feb 18, Soumitra Halder added it. Preview — Fundamentals of Ecology by Eugene P.
Mar 07, Junita Solin rated it liked it. At the end of the course there will be the possibility to take the exam either as written or oral examination. Riduzione dello schermo di ozono. Sep 10, Ipsita rated it it was amazing Shelves: A great ingenious and engaging text from one of the pioneers of Modern Ecology. Assessment method Oral examination at the end of the course.
Detailed program General ecology: Basic knowledge of biology is also required, in order to be able to understand the concepts related to the animal, vegetal and microbial components of the ecosystems. Regolazione intraspecifica delle popolazioni. Esempi di ecoogia ambientali su scala locale e globale ed effetti sugli ecosistemi acquatici e terrestri. Course programme Program After a short introduction the program is subdivided in four main ecoligia.
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Fondamenti di ecologia. Ediz. italiana e inglese
Exponential and logistic growth of populations. No partial tests during the course period are planned. Hydromorphological changes of rivers.
Office hours by arrangement writing an email to antonio. Oct 03, Darwin A.
Prerequisites Requirements The students must have knowledge of physics, mathematics and chemistry at the high school level. Ecological parameters and quality indices. View all 3 comments.
Fundamentals of Ecology by Eugene P. Odum
Didactic methods Didactic methods 9 CFU 76 hours, at least 12 of them of experimental work. Dec 07, Rabia Sajid rated it it was amazing. Jun 01, Brian Albert marked it as to-read. Salta alla navigazione Strumenti personali.
Educational Offer University of Catania
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Non sono previste prove parziali durante il corso.
Teena rated it really liked it Dec 10, Gli Indici Morfoedafici e la stima dei livelli naturali. Alterazione delle caratteristiche idrologiche dei corpi idrici. Want to Read saving….
The third part focuses on the habitat: Effetti delle sostanze tossiche sugli ecosistemi. Competizione interspecifica, predazione, parassitismo e mutualismo. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Saggi ecotossicologici di campo, indici biologici, biomarkers.
To provide knowledge on major consequences produced by human activities on ecosystems. Trivia About Fundamentals of E Students’ evaluation View previous A. Ayana Krishnan rated it it was amazing Oct 06, Marine ecosystems, biotic and abiotic conditions. Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biotecnologie Coordinatore: Enrolment methods Manual enrolments Self enrolment Student.
Effects of oil pollution. Open Preview See a Problem?
Therefore, at the end of the course the student will know.